Stories That Move
The online toolbox about diversity and discrimination
Is your question not answered? Send us an e-mail at
Step 1 Log in as a teacher.
Step 2 You will then see the ‘Create new class‘ button at the top right of the dashboard.
Step 3 Enter the name of the class and select the assignments you want to cover.
Step 4 At the bottom right of the screen, click ‘Save‘ to save the class. You will then receive the PIN for the class.
Step 5 Share the PIN with your students. They need it to log into the tool and join the digital class. (Each digital class has its own PIN)
Don’t your students have an email address? Create a student code for each student by clicking on “Student codes” and then “Create a new code“.
For each class you can easily view the tool from the students’ perspective by clicking on ‘follow class like a student’.
Just click the navigation button at the top left of the screen; purple button with three horizontal lines.
Yes, you can follow your learners’ progress and see all their answers on the Educators’ page, under ‘Students progress’. Learners are told that their answers will be shared – sometimes anonymously, sometimes with their names – with the rest of the class or group and with the educator.
NO. Stories that Move is based around film clips with personal stories recounted by young people, and the online and interactive elements are core to it. This means you and your students will need internet access to use it. You might also want to use a projector to show the videos in the classroom.
Students do not need an email address to create an account. They can also do that with a special student code. You have to make it for them.
You might also consider asking your students to set up accounts and spend a preparatory lesson discussing why they might need an email address and things to consider, such as an appropriate name.
You can use the student code if one or more students don’t have an email address or cannot use it to create an account. In your dashboard, the online classes are shown in separate white boxes.
Step 1 Click in the box of the online class on the button “Student codes”.
Step 2 In the next screen, “Manage student codes”, click on the button “Generate a new code”. A new one will appear, with “Pending” underneath it. After a student has created an account with this code, their name will appear here.
You create the student codes one by one. When you have enough, you can print this screen via the browser or save it as a PDF. Then you can add the names of the students and avoid giving the same code to different students.
We are continuously working hard to fix technical problems, and we appreciate your help. If problems arise, please let us know via It’s helpful if you include a screenshot showing the technical problem you’re experiencing.
If you forget your password, click on ‘Lost your password?’ on the login screen. Your account password will be reset, and you can choose a new one.
The most common problem with setting up an account is incomplete email addresses, and the delay in getting the confirmation email. Please check you have spelled your email address correctly.
Check your spam folder for the confirmation email. Depending on your provider, it might take a while (up to several hours, sometimes) to arrive. In rare cases, an email confirmation may not be delivered due to some unexpected error while our servers communicate with the servers of your email provider. You can try again using a new email address, or email for help.
Check that all your students have used an existing email address, that they have filled it in correctly, and that they have taken all the steps required to use the tool (including clicking on the confirmation email). Check that they have used the PIN you gave them. A common mistake is using the capital letter O instead of a zero (0). The PIN consists of a combination of numbers and letters.
Nothing! Using the Stories that Move tool is completely free for everybody. The projected is funded by grants from the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and the German foundation Remembrance, Responsibility, Future – EVZ.
We are looking forward to further developing and improving our tool, and we are always interested in working with new partners. Please email to discuss various options.